Heart Attack

You are required to write a critical analysis of the disease of your choice.

Included in this analysis, you will need to explain how the disease you chose

affects the various body systems where relevant.

The following relevant and concise information must (if pertinent) be included in your write up.

▪ Name of disease

▪ History of the disease

▪ Description of disease

Anatomy of the system(s) involved

▪ Effects on other body systems

▪ Cause of disease

▪ Signs and symptoms

▪ Diagnosis of the disease

▪ Complications, if any

▪ Treatment and side effects

Conclusion should include the following:

▪ Brief mention of current or proposed research that may significantly impact the

▪ disease.

▪ Prevention strategies if any

▪ Your insight / opinion

NOTE: you must focus on the anatomy & physiology of the disease/disorder. Cover the normal anatomy & physiology of the organ system affected and then state what the disease/disorder does to this organ system, and other organ systems. In other words, if you are picking tuberculosis, I do not want you to go too much in detail about the bacteria that causes it but how the bacteria escape our body’s defenses and what the bacteria do to the lungs, bones, etc.


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Design and methodology

 Describe and provide rationale for which design you plan to use in   your DPI project. Be sure to indicate how your design in aligned with   the methodology chosen in Topic 1 DQ 1. 1 page, APA

This project will use the quantitative methodology with a descriptive research design.

Topic:  Use of Advanced Practice Providers in triage in improving waiting times in Emergency departments? 

Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.


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Goals, Objectives, and teaching plans

  Course Project—Part 2 Instructional Unit: Goals, Objectives, and the Teaching Plans

This week you will submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated. Click here for a refresher on what each final lesson should include.

Building on the work that you started in Week 2, for all three groups of learners: Write several broad instructional goals for the educational experience. Write several behavioral objectives based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Describe the lesson content. Provide a sequence for teaching activities. Describe instructional methods. Indicate time allotted for each activity. Identify and describe the instructional resources (materials, tools, etc.) and technology to be used. Describe how the learning will be evaluated.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style. You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template. Submission Details: Submit your response in a 6- to 7-page paper to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to use appropriate APA formatting


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Capstone:Affordable Healthcare insurace

 Affordable Healthcare and Medicaid insurance for all Americans Method

            Briefly introduce your next capstone section.  While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader of your research at the beginning of each section. The reason for this? In the event someone is interested in your research, but they do not want to read the entire manuscript, they can easily learn about your research in the beginning of every section.   Research Method and Design Appropriateness

            Elaborate on the differences among various research methodologies. What are the differences between qualitative research and quantitative research? Which was more appropriate for your study? Why? More than likely, this will be a descriptive research project, focusing more on the literature surrounding the topic, rather than conducting actual quantitative or qualitative research. Population

            Discuss your study population. The study population is the larger picture of the research. If you were conducting research focused on childhood education, your study population would include children who are in school. This may be at a local level, state level, national level, or even at the global level. You determine the study population by how big you want the scope of your project to be. Sampling Frame

            Elaborate on your sampling frame here. The sampling frame is the smaller picture of the study population that you can actually obtain information from. For instance, in the same research that is interested in childhood education, the sampling frame may be 10 students from a local school. These ten students would then be used in your data collection process. Data Collection

            Discuss the collection of your data. Was it quantitative or qualitative? How did you collect the data? How did you protect the integrity of the data? For our example, if 10 nursing home residents could be interviewed; this would be qualitative in nature. Likewise, conducting a numerical poll would be quantitative. If you conduct personal interviews, you will want to ensure minimal researcher bias. Data Analysis

            Discuss the process where you analyzed your data. How did you analyze it? If quantitative, what statistical tool did you use? If qualitative, how did you interpret the information?



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