I need a 250 word reply for each of the two posts listed below.


Dr. P and class,

Writing papers and bibliographies are not my strong suite, I am much more of an in person hands on individual. But my eye is on that final diploma, so I am giving this everything I can.

An annotated bibliography shows the source you are planning on using for your paper, and gives a brief summary of what that source contains. According to the Owl Purdue website, an annotated bibliography can summarize, assess, and or reflect what your sources have to offer (Owl Purdue, 2013). One of the major advantages to having a thorough bibliography is it shows that the writer fully understands the topic and the sources that he or she is using (UNC, 2017).

Below is a sample of my annotated bibliography with two references that I will be using for my paper on how civil forfeiture laws have been corrupted. My goal is to use sources that were written within the last five to ten years to ensure my information is up to date.

Crawford, A. (2015). CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE IN MASSACHUSETTS: A FLAWED INCENTIVE STRUCTURE AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIGENT PROPERTY OWNERS. Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice, 35(2), 257-284. Retrieved from…

This author compares the two different types of civil forfeiture laws, civil and criminal, and the key differences between them. The articles discusses the origin of forfeiture laws and how they evolved into the current laws in effect, including the reforms and constitutional amendment changes, The author takes a look at a case based in Massachusetts that did not meet the standards of due process, and points out specific areas of the laws that are abused routinely. The article concludes with suggested reforms that could reduce the corruption ability as well as provide innocent personnel more security against unfairly seized assets.

Ford, T. J. (2015), DUE PROCESS FOR CASH CIVIL FORFEITURES IN STRUCTURING CASES. Michigan Law Review, 114(3), 455-480. Retrieved from…

In this article, the author examines the process of civil forfeiture and takes the stance that the current process is not in accordance with correct due process. The author gives examples of a few individual cases where undue hardship came out of assets being incorrectly seized. This article also discusses the progress made recently to try and mitigate the corruption and put more value on probable cause, but also focuses on the lack of reform to properly make that progress effective.

I used the suggestions from last week on using the advanced search in the APUS library, and it definitely helped, thank you! I was able to not only hone in on recent studies and articles, but also filter the results by geographical location and only pull results from the United States. Also, as a side note, I fully endorse Dr. P’s suggestion of backing up your work, even if it is a forum assignment. I was typing this all out while on duty at work, and the computers did an unscheduled reboot so I had to redo my work today when I got off of shift today. Save your work often!




Owl Purdue, 2013. Annotated Bibliographies. Retrieved from…

University of North Carolina College of Arts and Sciences, 2017. Annotated Bibliographies. Retried from…


Hello Class,

In an effort to build to a stream line, factual, well documented final paper we are focusing on annotated bibliographies. As discussed in our lesson this week, the purpose of incorporating an annotated bibliography is to provide a report with an explanation or brief summary of the reference we are citing. I feel personally this allows us as researchers the ability to become more educated on the topic but more so offers the reader a quick reference showing specifically what the reference might have been used for through the report. This overall prompts us to provide a better final product. A few others in the class have mentioned Purdue OWL website, this has been a go to tool for me during my time at AMU. Most teachers I have experienced thus far with AMU have in fact published this site for further reference materials for students.

Below are a few references I will be using, with annotated bibliographies that will support reasons controversy exists regarding firearms and how this has impacted legislation and those who wish to carry firearms on their persons in public. Because my topic revolves around the nature or controversy firearms have brought to the face of the public and how these views affect legislation down to state regulation is something that will take many references to capture different views on the topic.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) home page serves as a plethora of information regarding laws and regulations on specific firearms and explosives that I will use to give background information concealed carry laws. This website also offers facts specific to each state that I will use to show data of all sorts to help draw the picture of those that are active in exercising their second amendment right. All information used is creditable, coming straight from the sourced federal agency’s website when discussing federal laws within the report.

Concealed carry laws. (2013). In Gale (Ed.), Gale encyclopedia of everyday law (3rd ed.). Farmington, MI: Gale. Retrieved from…

Concealed carry laws will be a big discussion throughout this report. The above reference was taken from the APUS library, and sourced from the “Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law”. This article discusses the history of concealed carry laws, a brief overview of state requirements to obtain a concealed carry license and restrictions involved in carrying a firearm including legal challenges imposed through courts.

Hardy, D. T. (2012). Gun owners of America (GOA). In G. L. Carter, Guns in American society: an encyclopedia of history, politics, culture, and the law (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from…

Gun Owners of America is one of many gun owner organizations that lobby against gun control legislation. Their opposition to not to except minor gun control legislation that merely restricts gun owning options. GOA stand on legislation for restrictions in spite of the nature of firearm violence is something that will be used to show how restriction affect Americas right to own/conceal carry firearms.



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Theatre Arts

This assignment is the first step in the Final Project process. This week you will research and choose a play that you will read.

This play must be from the 20th or 21st centuries!!!!. Shakespeare and musicals are strictly not allowed.

A great resource for finding a play is a website called: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . This site lists all of the major playwrights of the 20th and 21st century.

PLS follow the directions exactly in the file !!!

make it seem like a proficient high school student wrote it pls


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provide interaction with concepts and furthering of the conversation

STUDENT 1: Pears…

Microsoft Office Suite to me is one of the best tools you can use at home/school/work. There are so many features you can use that can help aide in refining one’s work. Microsoft word is what I used when sending out memo, personal or official correspondence and when writing report for school. I like using this program because of the auto correct feature and the thesaurus when I need to sound more professional or to find a word that would work with the statement I’m trying to write. The grammar correction or suggestions helps a lot too, when your sentence is not quite what it should be the program offers suggestions so that your sentence or paragraph will flow.

For someone with carpal tunnel syndrome it is harder for me to write than to type. I prefer to use the computer and write whatever I need to write. It is too painful for me to hand write so having access to Microsoft word and other programs is a huge help. Compared to handwriting, typing the information in Word helps me save paper when I make mistakes. If I notice a mistake on my paper I can easily erase the error or correct it without having to re-write the whole thing.

STUDENT 2:Jennifer

MS Word:

I would define MS Word as a software that allows you to create documents in a flexible format. It allows you to use spelling and grammar checks, to save your document, and to print it, in a professional looking manner. I use MS Word to write letters, memos, and sometimes business reports for my business writing class! I also use it to make lists; I make lists for just about everything! I also use MS Word to compose email, and then copy and paste the message into the email message. It is a very useful tool.

One useful feature about MS Word is using the keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut: Result:

CTRL-A highlights the entire document

CTRL-C copies anything that is highlighted

CTRL-P allows you to print a document

CTRL-V pastes what you just copied

CTRL-X deletes and copies a highlighted section, to allow for pasting

And a really cool feature I recently discovered, if you would like this line to appear on your document,

Simply put the cursor where you want the line, type 3 dashes (—), hit enter, and voila! You have this cool line! Okay, maybe I’m easily impressed, but I found that little trick by accident!

These features of MS Word are very useful in creating documents. I like using the keyboard shortcuts whenever possible, so that I don’t have to interrupt the flow of writing by using the mouse.

Sometimes, however, MS Word can help too much. It has features built into it that autocorrect something, and sometimes it autocorrects something that didn’t need to be corrected!

Power Point:

This tool is used to create a visual presentation for the classroom and for the work environment. It is a way to express business concepts, or it can be used for training. Power Point has the same keyboard shortcuts as Word, which is also useful.

An interesting feature of Power Point is the ability to connect it to a projector or an external monitor for presentation. You can set up the presentation so that you can read notes that you’ve made, but your audience can only see the slide. It also has the ability to add animation.

Power Point has the same autocorrect feature as Word, which can be both good and bad. Another frustrating element of Power Point is that it is obsessed with bullet points. I like to use bullet points when they are useful, but Power Point will sometimes automatically put in bullet points even if you don’t want them. It can be painful to remove those bullet points, too.


Outlook is a suite of tools in a software package that helps you keep track of things. It has the options of email, personal contacts, calendar, and a to-do list. You can connect several devices to access the same information, such as your laptop, cell phone, and Kindle Fire, as I do. It makes for a convenient way to keep track of and view relevant information. With Outlook, you can also share things like a group mail box with your family or co-workers, assign tasks, set up reminders, categorize and organize messages, and a shared calendar.

I like creating and sorting folders in Outlook, and I like the different ways you can customize your viewing options. You can also assign pictures to identify your individual contacts and their information.

The frustrating element of Outlook, or any email for that matter, is the junk mail. Sometimes Outlook will automatically put your messages in the wrong folder.

These three tools combined have helped me keep track of and complete assignments for both school and work.


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Identify the Group’s Purpose

Describe a group that you would like to lead, including the type of group, it’s size, inclusion criteria, and whether or not it is open or closed:

I would love to form and lead of group of volunteers in implementing a task group to coordinate a children’s outreach ministry celebration. The group in its core should have at least 8 team leaders (not including the leader): event coordinator (leader), budget/finance director, volunteer coordinator, marketing director, talent recruiter (chilfern’ entertainmen), city ordanices liaison, food coordinato, security coordinator, and should have at least a minimal knowledge of working with event organizing and knowing the dedication it demands, which is essentrial to its success.

Identify the Group’s Purpose:

As with any implementaction of a task group it’s sole purpose is to give the participants an opportunity to to share ideas and exchange information (Jacobs, Shimmel, et. el, 2016) grow and develop in each area you may not be familiar with. The purpose or particular event we are developing is an outreach (ministry) to children, between the ages of 2-12 years…as Jesus said in Matthew 19:14″suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me; for such is the kingdom of God” (KJV).

What topics will be covered?

Each team leader will share with the group his/her responsibilities in the position or task he/she is assigned. The catering coordinator will share the different avenues and suggestions as to a menu of possible foods for the children, who and where are the best deals for this event, and the volunteer coordinator would inform us as to how many workers (volunteers) would they recruit as to the expected number of attendees. Since the church is located in an inner city neighborhood where most households are below poverty level, we could discuss an approximate 1 1/2 mile radius around the church for attendees, what date and what time. Each team leader has their task to form.

How often will the group meet?

In coordinating an event it is essential the group start meeting at least 3 months in advance, the second month every other week, and the third month at least once a week. Each session should last at least 1-1 1/2 hours. Then the event.

Jacobs, E., Schimmel,C., Masson, R. & Harvill (2016) Group Counseling Strategies

and Skills 8th edition CENAGAGE Learning

KJV King James Version Bible


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Behavioural and Cognative Therapy

Prior to beginning work on this discussion please read pages 8 – 14 of the Bennett-Levy, Westbrook, Fennell, Cooper, Rouf, and Hackmann chapter of the google book Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy (2004), the Weck article (2013), and theCombs, Tiegreen, and Nelson article (2007).

Your topic is:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

For your initial post you will take on the role of a cognitive behavioral therapist. Create a fictional client experiencing your chosen disorder. Apply cognitive and behavioral theories to the client’s issue to develop a cognitive behavioral experiment you might use with this client. Describe in detail the specific experiment you would create with your client to address the chosen disorder. Your experiment should include both cognitive and behavioral aspects. Use the first six of the seven steps for designing coginitive behavioral experiments outlined on page 33 of the Combs, Tiegreen, and Nelson article to organize your hypothetical experiment. Your initial post should be a minimum of 350 words.


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Subject Verb Agreement

Subjects and verbs must agree in person and number.

Review the following link concerning Subject Verb Agreement: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Then, choose the verb that correctly completes each sentence below. Each answer must be written in a complete sentence.

1. Here (is, are) the performers for tonight’s show.

2. A dancer usually (wear, wears) supportive clothing underneath his or her costume.

3. English (is,are) a required course for a Liberal Arts degree.

4. John and Pete always (arrive, arrives) to school at the same time.

5. Each teammate (carry, carries) her own equipment.


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Local Communities Discussion, sociology homework help

Use the Internet to research the population of your community or town. City-Data, is a great Website to get you started. Identify whether you town is growing or declining. Describe at least one (1) sociological aspect that can be attributed to this change. I live the Albany, NY the capital of NY.


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Implicit Attitudes on Race and Ethnicity

Implicit Attitudes on Race and Ethnicity. Go to (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., read the “Preliminary Information” box, and once you’ve clicked on “I wish to proceed,” please take the “Race IAT.” What do you think this IAT is trying to measure? Share your results if you are willing. Otherwise, please be sure to share your reactions to your results. Be sure to also synthesize the following into your paper: How do sociologists define race and ethnicity? Describe the differences between racism, prejudice, and discrimination, and highlight the difference between individual and institutional types of discrimination. Lastly, dicsuss the meaning of minority groups, and discuss how assimilation has worked in the United States. Be sure to mention the idea of racial passing and describe why someone would try to pass (Chapter 11: Race and Ethnicity).



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Compare and contrast

Topic : Compare and/or contrast how the works use symbol.

Articles you should use in this work: A doll’s house, A rose for Emily and Let me not to marriage of true minds by Shakespeare.

You can find any resource you want.

Check the attachments I uploaded.

It need to be MLA8 style.

It required at least 1000 words.

PS: there’s an example below the attachment, it will tell you what to do.

PPS: each paragraph need at least 11 sentences.


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