We are attracted to those others whose presence is      rewarding to us. Can you think of a situation in which this might not be      true?


Written responses should be at least 1 full page, single-spaced, with care being taken to address all parts of questions.  Write your responses directly into this document, save, and submit via Blackboard by the deadline.

Read Chapter 8

Read Walster, E., Walster, G. W., Piliavin, J, & Schmidt, L. (1973). “Playing hard to get”: Understanding an elusive phenomenon

In your paper, address the following questions:

1. Pay attention to the authors’ attitude when describing the rationale for their studies (at least the first few!) How do they seem to feel about their early hypotheses and attempts to support them? What does this say about the ideal approach to a research project?

2. What kinds of ethical concerns would you need to consider in proposing any of the studies discussed in this article?

3. A close friend mentions in conversation that everyone knows that “guys definitely want you more if you play hard to get.” Since you spent your hard-earned money on a social psychology course you decide that you’re going to let her know what the research actually says on the matter. You know that she doesn’t want to hear a lecture, so you decide to keep the description of the study to about 2 minutes. Based on this research, what do you tell her?

  1. We are attracted to those others whose presence is      rewarding to us. Can you think of a situation in which this might not be      true?
  2. Why would proximity make it more likely one would find      friends? What effect does proximity have on our feelings for those we      dislike?
  3. Does absence make the heart grow fonder? What might be      the conditions under which it would?
  4. In what respects do we expect a beautiful stranger to      be wonderful? In what respect does “what is beautiful is good”      not work?

8. What effects do attractiveness have on salary? Why might this be so?

  1. What is the matching principle? Why does it work?
  2. What kind of similarity helps people be attracted to      each other?
  3. Do premarital or marital enrichment programs work? What      is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness research on marital      therapy?

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